Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Love, Daddy

Dear Faith,

Hey baby girl.  You're way too young to even think about reading this letter, but you're 6 months old today, and just thought you should know, it's a pretty big deal...well it is to me and your mommy anyway.

Just a few nights ago, as Mommy finished changing your diaper and getting you into your ever-increasing-in-size-night-time-onsie, we were playing a little game of, "I'm gonna get ya."  Mommy was holding you and trying to "protect" you from me...because I was determined to "get ya" and tickle you, and make you laugh that sweet laugh you have, that can brighten up anyone even on their worst day.  But it was bedtime (as Mommy reminded me) so I had to ease up and let her finish getting you ready for bed.  As I stood by watching you be prepped for bed I said to Mommy, "It's weird...I really can't believe...or remember when it was just you and me in this house."  See Faith, it feels like you've been here with us forever, but yet at the same time it feels like you were only born yesterday!

In reality, you were born exactly 6 months ago.  And that 6 months has came and went so fast.  Looking back at the hundreds of pictures we've taken of you, it's easy to see how much you've grown and changed.  Seems like yesterday, you were sleeping...A LOT.  You were asleep more than you were awake, which was pretty convenient for Mommy, because she would hold you and let you sleep on her all day.  Literally, all day.  I loved holding you too, but I'm like most daddies...I could not wait for you to get more "interactive!"  And guess what?  Now you're very interactive!

Now that you're 6 months old, we are experiencing all kinds of new things, almost daily.  You, like most babies, struggled with sitting up without the help of your "bumbo" seat.  But all of the sudden, a couple weeks ago you totally mastered the art of sitting up without assistance.  It's true that you still occasionally seem a little "tipsy" and sort of slowly tip over...but that just makes you smile and it's all good.


Speaking of giggles.  Within the first few nights of your birth, you would have these little half-smiles, but only in your sleep.  What a week-old-baby dreams about is beyond my comprehension, but it made Mommy and Daddy smile, and that's all that mattered.  It took a month or so before Mommy and Daddy could make you smile (while you were awake), which is surprising considering we naturally look kind of funny.  Seemed like your smile got bigger and bigger each day.  Once again, very surprising...because smiles should only get so big.  To be the relatively small baby that you are, you have the biggest smile.  Pound for have the biggest smile in the world!  See what you've done to me?  Already, I'm an overly proud Daddy.

But back to those giggles.  It didn't take long for that giant smile to burst into laughter.  First it was mild laughter, then within days turned to outbursts of chuckles.  Literally the cutest and sweetest sound on this planet.  Yes, true, all baby laughs are cute but your laughs are different.  I'm convinced that baby laughs are at just the right frequency to reach any ear, but only Mommy and Daddys heart.

Your smile and laugh is enough to make any Mommy and Daddy feel so blessed to have such an amazing baby girl.  But what reminds us of how blessed we are is how geniunely happy you are...all the time.  Between your grandparents and aunts and uncles and your church family...No one has ever seen you cry!  They all say the same thing, "She is such a happy baby!"  Even total strangers out in public make the same comment.  I'm pretty sure people think we lying when we confirm that you are always happy and never cry.  But it's true!  You may have a moment of discomfort or irritaion and let out a whimper here and there.

Me and Mommy are the only ones who have seen you actually cry.  And out of the (maybe) 6 times you cried, 4 of those were because of the mean ol' doctors poking you with needles.  And let's face it, Me and Mommy cried too.  I think when the whole family cries at the same time, it should cancel all our cries it's like we never cried at all.  But that's all behind us for now, and the only thing that makes you moody is when I try to get a jacket over your long sleeve shirt.  Is it too much to ask that you cooperate a little and straighten your arm and make a fist?  I'm paranoid that I'm going to pull your hand through the jacket sleeve and it will be missing that tiny pinky that I'm completely wrapped around.

Basically, what I'm saying to you Faith is...the last 6 months you have changed Mommy and Daddys' lives.  You've made us happier that you may ever know.  You make us laugh and smile more and more every day.  Each day we think; we can't possibly love you anymore...but then tomorrow comes and we love you even more!  On a daily basis we thank God for you.  God answered our prayers and blessed us beyond our comprehension when He "fearfully and wonderfully made" you!

Happy 6 Months! I love you!


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