I hid my feelings and emotions in for a few days, after the second miscarriage. I was so angry with God. So mad, but I knew I couldn't hold it in for much longer. We met with some very dear friends and pastors (Jason & Alyse Doescher) from our church. They were one of the few people who even knew we were pregnant the second time. They asked just the right questions to bring my feelings to the surface. I hope everyone has friends like that...the kind that don't just settle for what your words are saying, but really listening to your heart. Heather had no idea what was coming. "Yeah, I'm mad at God, really mad!" There, I said it. I broke down, cried with sadness but was filled with anger . I couldn't keep it inside anymore.
Within a few days after our 2nd miscarriage, we had pre-scheduled a vacation. For me it felt like perfect timing. We needed a break from work and life. We needed to be alone. We just needed to get away. Heather wondered "how are we going to have fun and enjoy ourselves in this time of pain?" But we all convinced her that the timing worked in our favor. We really did need time to ourselves and needed to hit the reset button on what to do next. What was our Plan B?
We immediately started questioning our decision to get pregnant with medicines. Realizing that after the combo of meds, we were ovulating almost immediately, where normally women ovulate 2 weeks, or halfway, between "cycles." It didn't seem healthy or natural to ovulate so fast. I'm not a doctor by any means, but I figured our miscarriages had something to do with the fact that we were fertilizing an egg that was under developed. Seemed like we were forcing Heather's body do things in a very unnatural way.
Within a few days of the miscarriage we were to drive to the beach. Finally our chance to just get away from everything and everyone. Heather loves to read on the beach. I hate reading, but I knew on the inside that I really needed to find a good book to keep my mind busy while soaking in the sun. I browsed the Christian book section forever....looking for that perfect book to jump out at me. I needed something really really really good to help me wrestle through these feelings of anger towards God. I needed answers. If I didn't get a book convincing me that I shouldn't turn away from God...then I would seriously consider doing just that!
http://www.planbbook.com/ |
I was growing in Christ before we tried to get pregnant, but I was sort of at a point where I was like, "ok, so I'm a Christian, now what?" It's easy to say we have faith in God, but when put to the test...do we really? If God gave me everything I ever asked for immediately...would I even need "faith?" Would I ever grow? Would I ever need to trust Him? It's not really faith at that point is it? To expand upon an analogy from a pastor at my church (Pastor Shelly, thank you)....lets say we are asking for God to help in the area of finances and praying for blessings in that area. But instead of listening to God, trusting and having faith that He will provide for us....we just go out and get a second job to overcome the financial shortcomings ourselves! As Americans, when we need/want something, we just go out and get it. We live in a society where we want things "right now." We rarely give God the opportunity (or time) to step in and do something amazing! Probably something even more amazing than we could ever dream up. We just do it ourselves. Heather and I wanted a baby. So we went out and tried any and every recommended to get ourselves a baby! Surely, God can use doctors to help people, we thought. God was just using doctors and medicines to "heal" us, we convinced ourselves. And don't get me wrong, God does use doctors and people for good. But, we knew God had a plan for us to have children. Did we really have faith that He would deliver on that promise?
It's so easy for us to say, "I trust God," or "I believe God will heal me." But once we see the doctor report, or hear another opinion, or see that we aren't getting better...we are quick to fall back on our own thoughts or the doctors opinions. "God said he will provide for me," but do we really believe it? "God says he will heal me"....but do we believe it?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert EinstienAfter the second miscarriage we knew one thing; that we could not do the same method of getting pregnant and expect a different result. It's foolish to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. Plus, we couldn't handle it emotionally. If we had went with the same plan of action, we would be expecting the same result, and we couldn't handle that. From August 2011-November 2011 we were being convicted...or convinced of our "true faith in God." We were relying on doctors and not the vision that God had given us for a family. We struggled with... should we alter the dosage of medications, should we alter the timing of the medications, should we go to an infertility clinic, should we just keep trying naturally, or maybe we should just look into adoption?
Adoption has always been on my heart. I can't explain why...it's just always been something, I knew, I wanted to do. Ironically Heather had thought about it too. We discussed it off and on for years. We kind of decided that we would like to have our own baby, before looking into adoption. But now we were asking ourselves, "why wait?" Why not adopt now? Maybe adoption was God's more immediate plan for us?
Sometime in November we were ready to reveal what our "plan B" was. We told ourselves, and close friends and family that after the holidays, we planned to start the adoption process! We would find an agency and go from there. Not only that, we decided, we were done with getting pregnant by means of medications. We were submitting to God this time... "God, it's in your hands now. We will get pregnant whenever. No rush. We know we are going to have children one day. We will leave the "how" and "when" up to you, God! It was such a freeing thing to give to God! We decided we aren't going to take matters into our hands anymore. God was in control and in His timing, we would have a baby.
One December evening Heather and I were driving home and we started talking about having a baby and wondering how exactly it would happen. I remember saying, "I don't know how or when we are gonna get pregnant, but when it happens, it will happen in such a way that only God will get the glory and all the credit." I didn't wanna get pregnant and have to say, "the doctors really got the right combination of medicine for us." Not that doctors weren't trying their best to help us, and doctors do amazing jobs. But is it selfish to say, "I want God to get all the credit?"
With Christmas 2011 quickly approaching, we were just ready for 2012. We had a plan and were ready to start it. 2011 was painful, but yet we grew in our relationship with God so much. So much than I could ever imagine actually. I was experiencing "transformation." And despite the past pain and hurts, I was at a good place in my faith...especially after God revealed His plan for our family in a miraculous way!!!
Late December, Heather woke up after having a dream that we had just had a baby boy. The dream sort of got her depressed. It felt so real, she thought....until she woke up. I could hear the initial excitement in her voice as she was telling me all about it. But as the day went on, I think she started over-thinking it. She started thinking, "I wish my dream was real." Then all she could think about how sad it was that she only experienced having a baby while dreaming. Was God teasing her or speaking to her? The next day at work a co-worker told Heather, she had a dream that Heather had a baby boy. What!? How weird is that? A few more days past and Heather just couldn't shake the dream from her mind. What is it a sign we were pregnant, or maybe were about to be pregnant? We haven't been trying to get pregnant...but even if we had...she hadn't had a period or ovulated since June!
On December 15, 2011 Heather decided (without my approval, haha) that she had to find out what the dream meant. She had a pregnancy test at home leftover from "our medical record keeping days." So a couple weeks before Christmas, Heather took it upon herself to take a pregnancy test to confirm, or put to rest the dream she had...
...now I'm not sure what happened between the time she took the test until the time I got home from work. Must have been about 30 minutes, that she sat there looking at the results of the pregnancy test. Long enough, I guess, to try and figure out...what? when? how did this happen?...
I walked in the front door, and heard Heather yell from our upstairs bedroom, "babe, can you come up here?" "Coming," I yell back at her. I was not prepared in any way to hear the words that would come out of her mouth. I still had my mind on the days work and how I was ready to be home and relax. Not knowing she had secretly taken a pregnancy test. Ever since her dream I knew she wanted to take a test, but I just didn't want her too. If it came up negative, I knew she'd be disappointed. Why put her through that? We hadn't been on any meds and she hadn't had a period...so of course we couldn't possibly be pregnant, I thought.
I walk into our room, and see Heather standing there, like she had something to say. She sort of that "dear in the headlights look." I could tell for an instant, that she had been waiting on me, anxiously...
"We're pregnant," she said, in such a matter of fact way. I'm not sure what I said next honestly, but I think it was along the lines of, "huh?" She said it again, "we are pregnant!" Then again I said something profound like, "how?" "I don't know, but we are pregnant!" she said.
Have you ever seen something or heard something so amazing that you are at a loss for words and emotions? Stunned. Speechless. Shocked. I think it took several minutes to wrap my head around the fact that, we were experiencing the results of an absolute miracle from God! A miracle! We hadn't been trying at all to get pregnant. To be open and honest, our "romantic life" had suffered from the whole getting pregnant ordeal we had been wrestling with. Heather hadn't had a period in months. How was this possible? Because God is bigger than any circumstance! God is faithful! God is still in the miracle business! That's how it happened. And guess who got all the glory?....God.
On the subject of miracles. Before we had gotten pregnant, I watched this hour-long show on conception and what happens inside a woman's body during the beginning stages of pregnancy. How the egg and sperm meet up and how the egg is fertilized, etc. After watching this amazing process and listening to an hour of "scientific" (hard to understand) explanations on how this all works, I came away with one impression. I could sum up what "they" said in one word....our new "M" word...Miracle!
Science can try and explain the things of this earth all they want. But conception and new life is simply a miracle. If you are alive right now, it's because of God. Any person who is a mother or a daughter, or a father or a son, has experienced a miracle!
We immediately started talking about how we were gonna tell people about this miracle. Should we drive around town on a Thursday evening spreading the great news? Or. Should we use the Christmas holiday to our advantage and really surprise the pants off the family and tell them on Christmas day? We already had a doctor appointment scheduled for the following Monday, in which they were going to look at Heather's uterus to see if they could find any physical damages that may have caused 2 miscarriages. I love God's timing. We didn't even have to schedule an appointment...it had been scheduled weeks ago in advance. We couldn't wait for the doctor to confirm our positive tests. Notice I said, "tests," haha. We took 6 pregnancy tests! We had to keep reminding ourselves...was this really happening!? We owed it to ourselves to see that many positive tests, after seeing so many negative ones.
I'm still amazed that we found out we were pregnant just days before we were scheduled to have Heather's uterus checked out for abnormalities that may have caused miscarriages. It was also the appointment in which we were going to tell the doctor that we were done with the medicines and that we would be taking a break from the medical routine we had been in for over a year. Talk about God's timing and faithfulness.
The doctor confirmed that we were pregnant, of course. We had no clue how far along we were. There was no "last period" to give any indication of when we might ave gotten pregnant. We asked to schedule an ultrasound ASAP to see how far along we were and to see our baby's heartbeat. We wanted the ultrasound before Christmas so we could show the little black and white photos to our family! But the doctor was hesitant. They would need to do blood work to see how high the "pregnancy hormone" was before scheduling an ultrasound appointment. If the number was high enough, he promised he would squeeze us in for an ultrasound before Christmas Eve. We've had this blood work done before, during the the first to pregnancies. The number had to be at a certain level before they would do the ultrasound. So we hoped and prayed the results were high enough to get us in...got a phone call that not only were the numbers high enough, but they were the highest pregnancy hormone number we had ever had, including the first two pregnancies. The number was double of what it needed to be. So the ultrasound was scheduled just days before Christmas Eve.
As the ultrasound appointment got closer and closer, fear started creeping in our minds. Ultrasounds made us nervous, never knowing what we may or may not see. But we continually reminded ourselves that this time was different. Radically different. This had God's signature written all over it. Why would we doubt Him now?
Everything about this pregnancy was different. Down to the doctors office, the doctor, even the ultrasound tech. Which actually gave us a peace of mind. Everything about the first 2 pregnancies was the same, and this one was so very different in nearly every single way.
The day of the ultrasound, we were once again nervous wrecks. I couldn't shake the old memories of past ultrasounds. We finally get into the room and Heather and I are just tense, anxious, and scared. We needed to see the flickering heartbeat...we needed to see it. And almost immediately, the flickering heartbeat appeared on the screen! This time we couldn't even cry with excitement. All the tension and hardness in our heart and mind just melted away. Felt like the world had just been removed from our shoulders. I could have stared at the flickering light of a heartbeat for hours.
Christmas card we gave to family on Christmas day! 2011. *notice the heart shape, we thought that was cool!* |
As of yesterday, May 1, 2012, we are 25 weeks into the pregnancy. Every week is another milestone for us. We got past the first trimester. Had our ultrasound to find out the sex...
It's a GIRL!
And now we are just patiently waiting to hold our little miracle baby girl!
3/20/12; Day we found out we were having a GIRL! |
Being pregnant and seeing this baby grow is a testament to our Faith. It has wavered, but God has restored it in miraculous ways. We trust Him. He has taught us the most valuable lesson in the area of faith. If you truly put your faith in Him....He will always, always be faithful to you. He will not disappoint you. God is a Restorer. He is a Healer. And with God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26).
We struggled with true faith, but God has restored true faith in us! After the 2nd miscarriage (while we were at the beach) we bought this picture to keep in our living room. It says, "Faith," We needed to be reminded everyday to have Faith. What a perfect name for our daughter we thought! Should we use it as a middle name or first name? We started researching names, and found the name Brielle. It meant "of God" or "God is my Strength." We put a little twist on it..Briella. Then added an "h"....Briellah. Hey, if God added an "h" to Abraham and Sarah, then why not add an "h" to Briellah!?
So it's official everyone, in case you haven't heard....August 14th is the due date and her name will be...
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13 WEEKS |
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16 WEEKS |
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20 WEEKS; same day we found out we were having a girl. |
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24 WEEKS |