I don't remember a lot from the past, especially details. People that know me, know I have a bad memory. But it's funny how certain memories can stick with you forever. I vividly remember the first time I was exposed to pornography. I was 8 years old. That's a shocking statement to type and read, but it's true. I had older step-brothers, who were old enough to be curious about sex and didn't mind showing me what they had discovered. A dirty magazine, full of naked women. At 8 years old you're not even experiencing puberty yet, so that experience alone didn't have a profound effect on me in the moment. But even as an 8 year old kid, I can look back and remember the innocence being washed from me and it left me feeling dirty. I can compare the feeling to what Adam & Eve experienced in the Garden of Eden, when they ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Once they ate the fruit, they immediately felt shame, from their nakedness. That's how I felt...shame. It's weird how a kid's mind works. Like when you convince yourself as a kid that lightening is the result of clouds colliding or if you're trying to pretend to be asleep as a kid, not only did I close my eyes but also held my breath because I assumed you didn't breathe while asleep. Well, as a kid, I guess I heard about AIDs on TV and how life expectancy after being infected was about 10 years with the virus. I'm sure I was wrong or mis-heard or mis-interpreted that, but in my child-mind that's what stuck. And I knew that it was a "sexual" disease. So as an 8 year old kid, I remember thinking......"If I just got AIDs from seeing this dirty magazine, I could die when I'm 18!" I know that's a weird thought for a kid, but it's what I thought. You'd think that would scare me away from pornography. But it didn't.
I think a lot of boys, teens, and men associate pornography with it being "just a guy thing" or "boys will be boys". And that's sad. I now realize the Enemy, the Devil, Satan, whatever you wanna call him has been able to convince the world that porn is ok, and that lust is ok. I'm convinced that the Enemy has to be pleased and excited that society has so openly embraced lust, porn, and sexual sin. It's everywhere. But that's a whole other post for another time. Anyway...By the time puberty hit, it didn't take me long to realize my dad kept dirty magazines and dirty VHS movies in his closet hidden. Once you see the men in your life treating pornography as, no big deal. You believe it to be true and before long your mind rationalizes it as, no big deal. But see, God never intended it to be that way! He designed the body of man to be functional, like a mult-tool (to work the garden, so to speak), and women were designed to be beautiful and catch the eyes of man so that they could become "one flesh" and marry. I don't mean any of those descriptions to sound shallow, but you get the point, I hope. The relationship between man and woman was never intended to be a shameful thing. For those Christians out there that held onto their virginity and stayed sexually pure until they were married...I have so much respect for you! In the world we live in, it's rare and temptation is at every corner. I wish I knew then, what I know now.
From age 17-20, I was primarily living with my grandmother. Their was several cool things about living with my grandmother. First, she wears hearing aids and even with them she hears very little. Second, she had a computer with internet (which I never had living with my dad). Third, I had SO much independence. That combination of "coolness" became a perfect storm for my exposure to pornography to become an addiction. As a kid I could flip through dirty magazines and fast forward or rewind dirty VHS movies. But along with my teens, came new technology....computers, internet, DVDs and cell phones. It didn't take long to realize porn was a just a click away. I began watching porn online, ordering a few porn DVDs, and eventually, I was able to watch porn on my cell phone. It was so easy and so tempting that a young man could not resist.
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My Grandma Goddard |
Fast forward a little. By the time I was 22, I had found the woman of my dreams! I asked my future wife to marry me in February of 2006. We didn't actually get married until September of 2007. It was in that first few months of our marriage that my secret addiction would be discovered....by the woman I loved most.
But let me tell you about her and "our story" first...to be continued...